social entrepreneurship
our social entrepreneurship acceleration program is geared to provide tangible value to our participants and, subsequently, communities that they are serving. It is designed to accompany participants on their journey from an idea to a sustainable business plan, to contribute to their business understanding and personal growth.
Only business professionals with a proven record in their field achieving sustainable results find their way to New Door faculty. It makes a fundamental difference in how subjects are presented and what is the outcome of the program in terms of real-life-applicable knowledge and skills.

From the very start of the course, each project team is assigned a Mentor, sometimes more then one, to guide and help through the process of business development. All mentors are high valued entrepreneurs, business professionals or specialists in their field.
Training programme consists of 4 modules, from precise determination of product to particular business plan.
here is how our social entrepreneurship acceleration course works:
clear definition of their product or service and its business model

clear sales and marketing plan

investor-ready business plan

detailed action plan for 1 year and an action plan outlook for 3 years
Each module of lectures is dedicated to particular business processes and structured in such way as to reflect to the actual business development.
Each module is followed by homework assignments.
Homework forms a mandatory and very important part of the training, and they will be done by project teams between the modules with
mentor supervision.
at the end of the program, New Door accelerator alumni have:
Pie Zelta Liepas
Dana Barbale
Vitalijs Dubovs
Indra Valeniece, Agate Roze, Daina Roze
The main aim of the café in Ogre is to promote and support the well-being, education, employment and labour market integration of people at risk of social exclusion, in particular young people with special needs, according to their abilities.
The establishment of a campsite right in the heart of Riga, Zaķusala. This unique campsite will cater not only to hikers seeking overnight accommodations but also offer specialized survival skills camps led by Latvian army veterans.
A development centre that plans to offer accommodation and non-formal education for young people, with a particular focus on children and young people at risk of social exclusion and the integration of children and young people with special needs.
Crazy Pedālis
Konstantins Ivanovs
The bike workshop plans to employ ex-prisoners and people recovering from addictions, thus promoting their integration into society and providing them with opportunities to learn a trade.
Ilze Saulaja, Sandra Olava
A support centre for children with autism and functional disorders, bringing together ABA therapists, an audiologist, a speech therapist, a special educator, a specialist in the Barbolet Method and a clinical psychologist under one roof.
Jelizaveta Kozireva
A platform that will be created to bring together parents with a child with ADHD who wants to play sports and sports coaches who know how to engage them accordingly.
Ilze Saulaja, Sandra Olava
A support centre for children with autism and functional disorders, bringing together ABA therapists, an audiologist, a speech therapist, a special educator, a specialist in the Barbolet Method and a clinical psychologist under one roof.
Jelizaveta Kozireva
A platform that will be created to bring together parents with a child with ADHD who wants to play sports and sports coaches who know how to engage them accordingly.
Patstāvīga dzīve
Latvian SOS Children's Villages Associaton
The Association is evaluating the possibility of setting up a support programme for young people to successfully start an independent life. The programme includes services such as camps, training, social skills training, information, contacts, etc.
Kristine Kaleja
Unique new garments and accessories are created from existing garments that are no longer worn for various reasons. They make each wearer's wardrobe special, as well as demonstrates their unique style and ultimately reduce textile waste.
TECH LAB design
Kristaps Barons
Agnese Glezere
Inga Zaretoka
Una Reke
An organization for creating fertile conditions for the co-creation of innovative solutions. Bringing together participants in thematic innovation events to work with experts to jointly explore, find, validate and implement potential solutions.
STEM workshops and clubs that fill young people's free time after school in a meaningful way, educating Latvia's young people about today's digital technologies and various technological devices, promoting choice of STEM careers in the long term.
A website for people diagnosed with cancer will include information on how, in addition to medical advice, people can help themselves recover faster by using integrative medicine to help them eat better, exercise more and seeking balance within. plans to produce 100% Latvian canola wax, intended for use in wax candle production, cosmetology and more. The business will employ local people that lost their jobs due to school closure in Smiltene municipality, Vireši parish.
Kristaps Barons
An organization for creating fertile conditions for the co-creation of innovative solutions. Bringing together participants in thematic innovation events to work with experts to jointly explore, find, validate and implement potential solutions.
TECH LAB design
Agnese Glezere
STEM workshops and clubs that fill young people's free time after school in a meaningful way, educating Latvia's young people about today's digital technologies and various technological devices, promoting choice of STEM careers in the long term.
Una Reke
Inga Zaretoka
A website for people diagnosed with cancer will include information on how, in addition to medical advice, people can help themselves recover faster by using integrative medicine to help them eat better, exercise more and seeking balance within. plans to produce 100% Latvian canola wax, intended for use in wax candle production, cosmetology and more. The business will employ local people that lost their jobs due to school closure in Smiltene municipality, Vireši parish.
Pasaule Visiem
Ieva Mezule
Innovative, affordable modular homes with a universal design. Functional solutions with clever layout of the physical space to allow wheelchair access and all furniture installed to suit people with reduced mobility.
Oikumena Fonds
Olga Melnikova, Tatjana Budovska
Integrating immigrants into new socio-cultural and linguistic environments through art, music, theatre and film therapy.
All in
Alina Feodorova
Support for children, young people and adults in times of emotional stress, anxiety and burnout.
Par Dzīvot
Julija Shkaraputa, Julija Dmitrijeva
The Cancer Patients' Mutual Aid Society provides support at all stages, from diagnosis to treatment completion. We share experiences, support each other and have visits from a wide range of specialists, both in person and online.
Patvērums "Drošā Māja"
Gunta Viksne
Provides various types of support to newcomers to Latvia, as well as aid victims of trafficking going through the rehabilitation process along them.
Mums pieder pasaule
Vita Reinfelde
A youth organisation that cares for the quality of life of rural young people and, through projects and supporters, provides opportunities that they and their families could not otherwise afford.
Par Dzīvot
All in
Oikumena Fonds
Pasaule Visiem
Julija Shkaraputa, Julija Dmitrijeva
Alina Feodorova
Olga Melnikova, Tatjana Budovska
Ieva Mezule
The Cancer Patients' Mutual Aid Society provides support at all stages, from diagnosis to treatment completion. We share experiences, support each other and have visits from a wide range of specialists, both in person and online.
Support for children, young people and adults in times of emotional stress, anxiety and burnout.
Integrating immigrants into new socio-cultural and linguistic environments through art, music, theatre and film therapy.
Innovative, affordable modular homes with a universal design. Functional solutions with clever layout of the physical space to allow wheelchair access and all furniture installed to suit people with reduced mobility.
Balvu Teritoriālā invalīdu biedrība
Marija Dulbinska
Support for people with disabilities in all areas of life. Promotes social integration, education, employment, physical and mental activities for children with disabilities, emotional support and participation in cultural and sporting events.
Natalija Zacepina, Irina Pelse
Social projects and psychological support projects for the benefit of society. Our motto is to inspire by supporting!
Gaismas Laiva
Ilona Daukste, Diāna Ponaskova
Inclusion of people with reduced mobility in society by enabling them to participate in social events and leisure activities regardless of the weather conditions - in suitable functional clothing.
UpGrade for Teens
Jelena Kasina
Improving the quality of life of adolescents by integrating them into adult life and raising their skills of everyday life tasks.


Natalja Novikova

Supports and develops para-sport activities for children and young people with disabilities, involving them in a healthy and active lifestyle.
Sober Soul
Janis Skrastins, Agnese Poikane
Sober Soul is the first healing & rehab center in Baltics which uses coaching, mentoring to help people heal from alcoholism, drugs, pornography, violence etc. problems.
Balvu Teritoriālā invalīdu biedrība
Mums pieder pasaule
Patvērums "Drošā Māja"
Natalija Zacepina, Irina Pelse
Marija Dulbinska
Vita Reinfelde
Gunta Viksne
Social projects and psychological support projects for the benefit of society. Our motto is to inspire by supporting!
Support for people with disabilities in all areas of life. Promotes social integration, education, employment, physical and mental activities for children with disabilities, emotional support and participation in cultural and sporting events.
A youth organisation that cares for the quality of life of rural young people and, through projects and supporters, provides opportunities that they and their families could not otherwise afford.
Provides various types of support to newcomers to Latvia, as well as aid victims of trafficking going through the rehabilitation process along them.
Emotion lab
Ance Gricmane
Emotion lab ofers face-to-face and Online therapeutic art master classes for healing from Lyme disease, emotional traumas and personal growth. A VR solution is also being developed.
Laimīgo ģimeņu skola
Olga Strode, Svetlana Surikova
Māmiņu klubs has been working in Rezekne city since 2011 and has helped 700+ families, mothers by organizing lectures, meetings, etc. to strengthen them psychologically and financially.
Textile Ocean
Ainis Sprogis
Textile Ocean is working on a solution to recycle textiles into heat isolation material for homes, toy filament, pregnancy pillows, etc. items. Employees will be ex-convicts and socially vulnerable people.
Tu neesi viens!
Zaiga Kozlovska
I'm organizing day camps and other events for kids with special needs and from socially vulnerable groups. In the future I want to open a center and hier specialists to work with these kids.
Oleg Sokol, Maksim Raspopov
LaimesDok is an Online platform where one can find and receive therapy from certified psychologists and psychotherapists.
Kustības brīvība
Aija Vule
Kustības brīvība offers recreation by water for people with disabilities and reduced mobility (i.e., elderly). It is provided by patented equipment that adapts to the needs of each person's body.
Sober Soul

UpGrade for Teens
Gaismas Laiva
Janis Skrastins, Agnese Poikane
Natalja Novikova

Jelena Kasina
Ilona Daukste, Diāna Ponaskova
Sober Soul is the first healing & rehab center in Baltics which uses coaching, mentoring to help people heal from alcoholism, drugs, pornography, violence etc. problems.
Supports and develops para-sport activities for children and young people with disabilities, involving them in a healthy and active lifestyle.
Improving the quality of life of adolescents by integrating them into adult life and raising their skills of everyday life tasks.

Inclusion of people with reduced mobility in society by enabling them to participate in social events and leisure activities regardless of the weather conditions - in suitable functional clothing.
Marita Aboltina
MARUSHA is a natural cosmetics brand for the whole family, which is mindful about nature. The founder is a certified natural cosmetics specialist.
Longevity center
Zhanna Melameda, Alyona Jakuba
A longevity center for elderly people to improve their quality of life psychologically, emotionally and treat Alzheimer's with Victor Frank's method.
Redzi cilvēku
Leeba Sintia Berzina
Redzi cilvēku creates specially designed T-shirts that rises public awareness about people with disabilities.
Psychological support
Elena Pankova, Elvira Miheieva
Professional psychological support for people 50+ to strengthen their cognitive, social, communication and emotional abilities.
Attiecību aģentūra
Inita Zarkevicha
Attiecību aģentūra is an Online service for providing consultations to regular parents and families with children with physical disabilities or mental challenges.
Natalija Osovska, Elena Krivonosova
The social enterprise provides consultations and expert support to families to prepare children for integration into Latvian society and the education system.
Tu neesi viens!
Zaiga Kozlovska
I'm organizing day camps and other events for kids with special needs and from socially vulnerable groups. In the future I want to open a center and hier specialists to work with these kids.
Textile Ocean
Ainis Sprogis
Textile Ocean is working on a solution to recycle textiles into heat isolation material for homes, toy filament, pregnancy pillows, etc. items. Employees will be ex-convicts and socially vulnerable people.
Laimīgo ģimeņu skola
Olga Strode, Svetlana Surikova
Māmiņu klubs has been working in Rezekne city since 2011 and has helped 700+ families, mothers by organizing lectures, meetings, etc. to strengthen them psychologically and financially.
Emotion lab
Ance Gricmane
Emotion lab ofers face-to-face and Online therapeutic art master classes for healing from Lyme disease, emotional traumas and personal growth. A VR solution is also being developed.
Brīva vista
Inga Vosorova
For the past 5+ years, Brīva vista is growing chicken without using antibiotics and is working on the chicken food patent.
Armands Lemanis, Ofelia Spektore
Labojam is employing people with mental and physical challenges who provide IT services - web page programming, etc.
Living Wool
Irita Antonevicha
Living Wool makes beautiful toys made from wool that can't be used in manufacturing. When expanding, the company will employ lonely, elderly people in the Gulbene region.
Ieva Ubele, Oskars Guoba
"Rucka Art and Education Center" in Cēsis implements art, environmental protection, sustainable development and education projects, as well as events for young people.The social enterprise provides consultations and expert support to families to prepare children for integration into Latvian society and the education system.
IW - Skaties ar sirdi
Maksims Mihejevs
Interactive exhibition - a journey in the dark where visitors will be accompanied by a blind guide, thus breaking down barriers between healthy and visually impaired people.
Kristīne Reine-Saponaro, Tatjana Tarasova
Social enterprise that provide job opportunities for young people and women after the decree by producing developing fabric books, as well as raises public awareness of autism.
Longevity center
Zhanna Melameda, Alyona Jakuba
A longevity center for elderly people to improve their quality of life psychologically, emotionally and treat Alzheimer's with Victor Frank's method.
Marita Aboltina
MARUSHA is a natural cosmetics brand for the whole family, which is mindful about nature. The founder is a certified natural cosmetics specialist.
Kustības brīvība
Aija Vule
Kustības brīvība offers recreation by water for people with disabilities and reduced mobility (i.e., elderly). It is provided by patented equipment that adapts to the needs of each person's body.
Oleg Sokol, Maksim Raspopov
LaimesDok is an Online platform where one can find and receive therapy from certified psychologists and psychotherapists.
Ieva Putniņa, Krista Jirgensone
Brand of scarves designed to speak on behalf of all those affected by alopecia (people who have hair loss) and help them integrate into the new era of change.
Jaunveiti - terapeitiskā ferma
Lāsma Petrēvica, Vizma Petrēvica
A company offering for children and young people with mental and physical disabilities a variety of therapeutic services connected to horses and nature.
Digtālā platforma - Social walk
Diāna Mekša
Social skills training for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders using situation video modelling, role playing video games, and Virtual Reality experiences based on social learning theory and behavioural modelling.

Natālija Lukina-Prāve
Project as job search support for people with autism spectrum disorder (AST) in IT field.
Inspirit Parasled
Mareks Matisons, Ieva Farenhorste
A social enterprise that would deal with the production of prototype and individual format of para hockey sleds.
Insait - centrs pašapzinīgai attīstībai
Katerina Kazanovska
The school of conscious education “Insait” offers courses, seminars, individual programs and specialist counselling for pre-school and school-age children and their parents.
Ieva Ubele, Oskars Guoba
"Rucka Art and Education Center" in Cēsis implements art, environmental protection, sustainable development and education projects, as well as events for young people.The social enterprise provides consultations and expert support to families to prepare children for integration into Latvian society and the education system.
Living Wool
Irita Antonevicha
Living Wool makes beautiful toys made from wool that can't be used in manufacturing. When expanding, the company will employ lonely, elderly people in the Gulbene region.
Armands Lemanis, Ofelia Spektore
Labojam is employing people with mental and physical challenges who provide IT services - web page programming, etc.
Brīva vista
Inga Vosorova
For the past 5+ years, Brīva vista is growing chicken without using antibiotics and is working on the chicken food patent.
Renewed Look
Olesja Soboļevska
Project aims to create a unique design and give a second life to used things, as well as provide employment for mothers after maternity leave.
Nelli Skadiņa
Project aims to open a hospis (a medical and social institution) dedicated to providing incurable patients with a decent quality of life, spiritual and psychological support to their families.
Tatjana Beckermeistere
Project aims to build an organization of culinary master classes held by people of retirement age, as well as people with disabilities.
Semyon Moroshek
Social enterprise that aims to create a gymnasium network that will host free classes for children from orphanages.

Santa Klodāne and Ilze Vaičule-Freimane
Project aims to create more inclusive environment for people with movement disabilities by improving efficiencies and to create better user experience for visitors of large and complex buildings.
Rūta Šenkevica
Social enterprise that gives an opportunity for everyone to experience the process of bread making through bread baking therapy classes.
Natalija Osovska, Elena Krivonosova
The social enterprise provides consultations and expert support to families to prepare children for integration into Latvian society and the education system.
Attiecību aģentūra
Inita Zarkevicha
Attiecību aģentūra is an Online service for providing consultations to regular parents and families with children with physical disabilities or mental challenges.
Psychological support
Elena Pankova, Elvira Miheieva
Professional psychological support for people 50+ to strengthen their cognitive, social, communication and emotional abilities.
Redzi cilvēku
Leeba Sintia Berzina
Redzi cilvēku creates specially designed T-shirts that rises public awareness about people with disabilities.
Viktors Gallers
Education and Recreation Centre in Daugavpils county, where children and adults will be able to spend time together in fresh air, and in parallel participating in thematic workshops and other events with the possibility to familiarise themselves with natural and environmental issues of the county.

Irina Czou, Irina Silajeva, Natālija Teresčenko
Project – individual parenting of orphans. Using a long-term relationship of trust, the project creates a child's attachment, a knack for building and maintaining a trust relationship, discovering and developing their talents, putting in and achieving individual goals.

Indulis Bumbieris, Linda Bumbiere
Project with an aim to create a knitting workshop and shop site where people with visual disabilities would be able to sell their products.
Sabīne Bakiļina
A family club where the main offer is a children's school. A children's comprehensive development program from 4 months to 3 years old and helping young parents to better understand their baby.
Silvija Ābele, Laima Mežīte and Zane Šmite
Social enterprise with an aim to establish a kindergarten, which provides an alternative approach to education and individualized nutritional program according to GAPS guidelines.

Kaspars Čabs and Baiba Sondore
School of Robotics organizing robotics lessons for pre-school and early school age children.
Jaunveiti - terapeitiskā ferma
IW - Skaties ar sirdi
Ieva Putniņa, Krista Jirgensone
Kristīne Reine-Saponaro, Tatjana Tarasova
Maksims Mihejevs
Interactive exhibition - a journey in the dark where visitors will be accompanied by a blind guide, thus breaking down barriers between healthy and visually impaired people.
Lāsma Petrēvica, Vizma Petrēvica
Social enterprise that provide job opportunities for young people and women after the decree by producing developing fabric books, as well as raises public awareness of autism.
Brand of scarves designed to speak on behalf of all those affected by alopecia (people who have hair loss) and help them integrate into the new era of change.
A company offering for children and young people with mental and physical disabilities a variety of therapeutic services connected to horses and nature.
Rūta Šenkevica
Social enterprise that gives an opportunity for everyone to experience the process of bread making through bread baking therapy classes.
Natalija Jermolajeva
Social enterprise that produces original clothes designs and stands as an example of how serious health problems and circumstances are not the barrier for full life and self-owned business.
Nadine Millere un Inese Tone
Nadine Millere un Inese Tone
Social enterprise with an objective to promote employment and social integration of young people and people with disabilities.
Juris Dilba
NGO that has been operating at national and international level for 17 years already and provides support services to women - survivors of violence and human trafficking.
Iveta Sproģe
Social enterprise that offers various social support and companion assistant services in the region of Cēsis.
Natalija Jermolajeva
Social enterprise that produces original clothes designs and stands as an example of how serious health problems and circumstances are not the barrier for full life and self-owned business.
Oskars Kupčs and Ilona Koršunova
Social enterprise, which designs and sells durable socks with compression technology to those who prefer active lifestyle.
Craftsmen of Līgatne
Iveta Ašeniece un Ilva Cimdiņa
The objective of the project is to build a community for local craftsmen in Līgatne region and to help them with promotion of their handmade products.
Insait - centrs pašapzinīgai attīstībai
Digtālā platforma - Social walk
Inspirit Parasled
Mareks Matisons, Ieva Farenhorste
Natālija Lukina-Prāve
Diāna Mekša
Social skills training for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders using situation video modelling, role playing video games, and Virtual Reality experiences based on social learning theory and behavioural modelling.

Katerina Kazanovska
Project as job search support for people with autism spectrum disorder (AST) in IT field.
A social enterprise that would deal with the production of prototype and individual format of para hockey sleds.
The school of conscious education “Insait” offers courses, seminars, individual programs and specialist counselling for pre-school and school-age children and their parents.
Rūta Šenkevica
Social enterprise that gives an opportunity for everyone to experience the process of bread making through bread baking therapy classes.
Natalija Jermolajeva
Social enterprise that produces original clothes designs and stands as an example of how serious health problems and circumstances are not the barrier for full life and self-owned business.
Olga Dogžina
Project aims to create a day center that through various activities connects different groups of people within the local region therefore improving local environment in the countryside.
Day training center IeSPĒJA
Baiba Blomniece
Private preschool educational institution "Mācos Mācīties" provides kids skills evolving, friendly and family-like environment by using the Barboleta method and Montessori pedagogy. Barboleta's pedagogical intervention platforms make learning easy while kids are free to stay active. Facebook: @Barboletametode
Day support center "Namiņš"
Diana Mekša and Mārīte Tropa
Day-support center for children and youth suffering from AST with a purpose to create emotionally safe community and environment, including supporting services.
Nataļija Dunko-Lazdiņa
The project foresees the production of the different design objects and accessories, providing jobs for socially disadvantaged groups at risk, such as single mothers, disabled, unemployed people of the pre-retirement age.
Aleksandrs Faminskis and Jūlija Voroņina
Non-governmental organization`s BEZVESTS.LV project that introduces identification bracelets - solution that significantly reduces the missing risk of a person.
Ieva Raubiško
Small producer of authentic and delicious Middle Eastern food employing people with a refugee or alternative status in Latvia.
Indulis Bumbieris, Linda Bumbiere
Irina Czou, Irina Silajeva, Natālija Teresčenko
Viktors Gallers
Education and Recreation Centre in Daugavpils county, where children and adults will be able to spend time together in fresh air, and in parallel participating in thematic workshops and other events with the possibility to familiarise themselves with natural and environmental issues of the county.

Sabīne Bakiļina
Project – individual parenting of orphans. Using a long-term relationship of trust, the project creates a child's attachment, a knack for building and maintaining a trust relationship, discovering and developing their talents, putting in and achieving individual goals.

Project with an aim to create a knitting workshop and shop site where people with visual disabilities would be able to sell their products.
A family club where the main offer is a children's school. A children's comprehensive development program from 4 months to 3 years old and helping young parents to better understand their baby.
Rūta Šenkevica
Social enterprise that gives an opportunity for everyone to experience the process of bread making through bread baking therapy classes.
Natalija Jermolajeva
Social enterprise that produces original clothes designs and stands as an example of how serious health problems and circumstances are not the barrier for full life and self-owned business.
Yuri Boichuk
An international project that ensures possibility of exchanging gifts among people from all over the world.
Valentin Andrejev and Jūlija Vasiljeva
Career guidance project developed for students to help them to navigate their way in the world of professions and consciously choose their own future.
Dr. Norbert Snarski
Association that provides support for people with different (mainly mental) special needs in terms of integration, socialization and employment.
Aleksandrs Morozovs and Alīna Absļamova
Youth organization that brings together leaders and young people with an aim to assist the youth in finding their way to more community engagement.
Karīna Falkenšteina and Anna Suhobokova
Project aims organizing and conducting classes of puppet theater and creative workshops for children from orphanages in Latvia, thereby promoting the development of friendly environment for children's creativity and emotional expression.
Olga Lezina
The project is aimed to develop a unique digital-based course of teaching Latvian language to Russian-speaking children in order to enhance their integration into Latvian society from the early age.
Renewed Look
Olesja Soboļevska
Kaspars Čabs and Baiba Sondore
Silvija Ābele, Laima Mežīte and Zane Šmite
Social enterprise with an aim to establish a kindergarten, which provides an alternative approach to education and individualized nutritional program according to GAPS guidelines.

Nelli Skadiņa
School of Robotics organizing robotics lessons for pre-school and early school age children.
Project aims to create a unique design and give a second life to used things, as well as provide employment for mothers after maternity leave.
Project aims to open a hospis (a medical and social institution) dedicated to providing incurable patients with a decent quality of life, spiritual and psychological support to their families.
Rūta Šenkevica
Social enterprise that gives an opportunity for everyone to experience the process of bread making through bread baking therapy classes.
Natalija Jermolajeva
Social enterprise that produces original clothes designs and stands as an example of how serious health problems and circumstances are not the barrier for full life and self-owned business.
Care Time
Rolands Brikmanis
Social enterprise that offers specialized transportation and attendant services for people with disabilities, elderly, and for inpatients, as well as provides sign language interpreters services for people with hearing loss.
Margarita Pantjuhova
The aim of the project is to create a network that gives opportunities to people with sight disabilities to acquire a masseur assistant qualifications.
Laurina Todesaite
Social project that leads Jewish history tours in Lithuania and Ukraine and conduct master classes and degustations with an aim to encourage Jewish tourism and preserve culinary heritage.
MobiOpt / UA
Mihail Tkach
The project organizes trade teams in Ukrainian cities with the highest numbers of refugees and provides local retailers with 'Cash&Carry' service, offering a wide variety of domestic and imported goods.
Tikvateinu / RU
Yekaterina Pavelyeva
Social service that provides employment assistance for people with special needs.
Access Jewish Riga
Ilya Rozman
The social media project aims to create unified communicative platform for every Jewish organization, project, initiative, enterprise or private person in Riga.
Santa Klodāne and Ilze Vaičule-Freimane
Semyon Moroshek
Tatjana Beckermeistere
Project aims to build an organization of culinary master classes held by people of retirement age, as well as people with disabilities.
Rūta Šenkevica
Social enterprise that aims to create a gymnasium network that will host free classes for children from orphanages.

Project aims to create more inclusive environment for people with movement disabilities by improving efficiencies and to create better user experience for visitors of large and complex buildings.
Social enterprise that gives an opportunity for everyone to experience the process of bread making through bread baking therapy classes.
Kibbuts Odessa / UA
Alexander Kuleshov
Project is developed by Charity Organization 'Freedom and Unity' and designed to address and improve the refugee situation in Ukraine.
Sergey Abbasov
Enterprise provides digital repository of personal data, an independent online communication and smart device management center with convenient and trusted communication interactions.
Crisis help centre Together
Olesya Mihailova
Project with an objective to provide services and advice in connection to issues related to the continuation of life (pregnancy, infertility, abortion).
Nadine Millere un Inese Tone
Iveta Sproģe
Juris Dilba
Nadine Millere un Inese Tone
Social enterprise with an objective to promote employment and social integration of young people and people with disabilities.
Natalija Jermolajeva
NGO that has been operating at national and international level for 17 years already and provides support services to women - survivors of violence and human trafficking.
Social enterprise that offers various social support and companion assistant services in the region of Cēsis.
Social enterprise that produces original clothes designs and stands as an example of how serious health problems and circumstances are not the barrier for full life and self-owned business.
Marija Kožarina
Project realizes production of tactile information objects to ensure social integration of the blind people and provide an accessible environment for normal daily life, education, and employment.
Dmitry Bechutsky
Social enterprise providing online support group for people suffering from addictions.
Anna Kašina
Project that addresses issues of education, social inclusion and the transmission of values from one generation to another by creating stories and fairy tales based on a therapeutic method.
Craftsmen of Līgatne
Olga Dogžina
Iveta Ašeniece un Ilva Cimdiņa
Oskars Kupčs and Ilona Koršunova
Social enterprise, which designs and sells durable socks with compression technology to those who prefer active lifestyle.
Baiba Blomniece
The objective of the project is to build a community for local craftsmen in Līgatne region and to help them with promotion of their handmade products.
Project aims to create a day center that through various activities connects different groups of people within the local region therefore improving local environment in the countryside.
Private preschool educational institution "Mācos Mācīties" provides kids skills evolving, friendly and family-like environment by using the Barboleta method and Montessori pedagogy. Barboleta's pedagogical intervention platforms make learning easy while kids are free to stay active. Facebook: @Barboletametode
Ieva Raubiško
Small producer of authentic and delicious Middle Eastern food employing people with a refugee or alternative status in Latvia.
Aleksandrs Morozovs and
Alīna Absļamova
Youth organization that brings together leaders and young people with an aim to assist the youth in finding their way to more community engagement.
Day training center IeSPĒJA
Yolanta Vexler
School aims to create a professional media community in Ukraine by providing media expert education and free trainings for talented students.
Eva Vilkina and Olegs Zubkovs
Community that provides employment services for people with mental disabilities.
Eco Center WINDA
Daiga Zipeva-Biumane
Collective living and working country house and a community as a rehabilitation center for young people with disabilities.
Ināra Olena
Social innovation that creates manufacturing and integrated workshops with an objective to help youngsters with mental disabilities successfully integrate in labor market.
Alexander Bobrovsky
The projects aims to organize production of bio-extracts from medicinal plants and berries to replace harmful synthetic additives or colorants and help to ensure sustainable development of bio-farming in Latvia.
Jūlija Safonova
Information and consultation center for students that aims to to popularize Latvia as an international educational platform and attract foreign students.
Day support center "Namiņš"
Aleksandrs Faminskis and Jūlija Voroņina
Nataļija Dunko-Lazdiņa
Diana Mekša and Mārīte Tropa
Day-support center for children and youth suffering from AST with a purpose to create emotionally safe community and environment, including supporting services.
Ieva Raubiško
The project foresees the production of the different design objects and accessories, providing jobs for socially disadvantaged groups at risk, such as single mothers, disabled, unemployed people of the pre-retirement age.
Non-governmental organization`s BEZVESTS.LV project that introduces identification bracelets - solution that significantly reduces the missing risk of a person.
Small producer of authentic and delicious Middle Eastern food employing people with a refugee or alternative status in Latvia.
Mārtinš Krūklis
NGO that takes care of former prisoners and members of their families by performing various cultural, social and integration activities as well as providing employment to ex-convicts.
Social enterprise that employs senior citizens and utilizes potential textile waste by creating design rugs.
Eco-center "Bille Uzkalni"
Community center that provides and develops a territory for educational projects related to environmental knowledge and healthy living.
Dr. Norbert Snarski
Valentin Andrejev and Jūlija Vasiljeva
Yuri Boichuk
An international project that ensures possibility of exchanging gifts among people from all over the world.
Aleksandrs Morozovs and Alīna Absļamova
Career guidance project developed for students to help them to navigate their way in the world of professions and consciously choose their own future.
Association that provides support for people with different (mainly mental) special needs in terms of integration, socialization and employment.
Youth organization that brings together leaders and young people with an aim to assist the youth in finding their way to more community engagement.
NGO aiming to improve life quality of people with gluten intolerance by providing education on how to manufacture safe gluten-free products.
Holocaust Education in Latvia
Social project with an objective to promote appropriate and multi-layer Holocaust education in Latvia, using contemporary approaches and forms, developed in cooperation with foreign specialists.
Enterprise developing new and innovative concept of lightweight bicycle that are made of carbon.
Care Time
Rolands Brikmanis
Olga Lezina
Karīna Falkenšteina and Anna Suhobokova
Project aims organizing and conducting classes of puppet theater and creative workshops for children from orphanages in Latvia, thereby promoting the development of friendly environment for children's creativity and emotional expression.
Margarita Pantjuhova
The project is aimed to develop a unique digital-based course of teaching Latvian language to Russian-speaking children in order to enhance their integration into Latvian society from the early age.
Social enterprise that offers specialized transportation and attendant services for people with disabilities, elderly, and for inpatients, as well as provides sign language interpreters services for people with hearing loss.
The aim of the project is to create a network that gives opportunities to people with sight disabilities to acquire a masseur assistant qualifications.
Kindergarten with a purpose to teach children to keep Jewish traditions and to educate them to reach their potential.
Project of an intellectual wellness center for families with an aim to ensure early childhood education and to create closer communication between children and parents.
Project aims to help people to restore their health and to provide medical knowledge of naturopathy - the alternative medicine based on the principle of nature's healing power.
Information platform about various locations in Riga and Jūrmala that are adapted for people with special needs, elderly, or families with children.
Alen Shnaider
Online cooperation platform that ensures opportunity for students to form a team with other peers and take part in small-scale procurements received from functioning businesses.
Access Jewish Riga
MobiOpt / UA
Tikvateinu / RU
Yekaterina Pavelyeva
Mihail Tkach
Laurina Todesaite
Social project that leads Jewish history tours in Lithuania and Ukraine and conduct master classes and degustations with an aim to encourage Jewish tourism and preserve culinary heritage.
Ilya Rozman
The project organizes trade teams in Ukrainian cities with the highest numbers of refugees and provides local retailers with 'Cash&Carry' service, offering a wide variety of domestic and imported goods.
Social service that provides employment assistance for people with special needs.
The social media project aims to create unified communicative platform for every Jewish organization, project, initiative, enterprise or private person in Riga.
Kibbuts Odessa / UA
Crisis help centre Together
Olesya Mihailova
Sergey Abbasov
Alexander Kuleshov
Project is developed by Charity Organization 'Freedom and Unity' and designed to address and improve the refugee situation in Ukraine.
Marija Kožarina
Enterprise provides digital repository of personal data, an independent online communication and smart device management center with convenient and trusted communication interactions.
Project with an objective to provide services and advice in connection to issues related to the continuation of life (pregnancy, infertility, abortion).
Project realizes production of tactile information objects to ensure social integration of the blind people and provide an accessible environment for normal daily life, education, and employment.
Yolanta Vexler
Anna Kašina
Dmitry Bechutsky
Social enterprise providing online support group for people suffering from addictions.
Eva Vilkina and Olegs Zubkovs
Project that addresses issues of education, social inclusion and the transmission of values from one generation to another by creating stories and fairy tales based on a therapeutic method.
School aims to create a professional media community in Ukraine by providing media expert education and free trainings for talented students.
Community that provides employment services for people with mental disabilities.
Eco Center WINDA
Alexander Bobrovsky
Ināra Olena
Daiga Zipeva-Biumane
Collective living and working country house and a community as a rehabilitation center for young people with disabilities.
Jūlija Safonova
Social innovation that creates manufacturing and integrated workshops with an objective to help youngsters with mental disabilities successfully integrate in labor market.
The projects aims to organize production of bio-extracts from medicinal plants and berries to replace harmful synthetic additives or colorants and help to ensure sustainable development of bio-farming in Latvia.
Information and consultation center for students that aims to to popularize Latvia as an international educational platform and attract foreign students.
Eco-center "Bille Uzkalni"
Mārtinš Krūklis
NGO that takes care of former prisoners and members of their families by performing various cultural, social and integration activities as well as providing employment to ex-convicts.
Social enterprise that employs senior citizens and utilizes potential textile waste by creating design rugs.
Community center that provides and develops a territory for educational projects related to environmental knowledge and healthy living.
NGO aiming to improve life quality of people with gluten intolerance by providing education on how to manufacture safe gluten-free products.
Holocaust Education in Latvia
Social project with an objective to promote appropriate and multi-layer Holocaust education in Latvia, using contemporary approaches and forms, developed in cooperation with foreign specialists.
Enterprise developing new and innovative concept of lightweight bicycle that are made of carbon.
Kindergarten with a purpose to teach children to keep Jewish traditions and to educate them to reach their potential.
Project of an intellectual wellness center for families with an aim to ensure early childhood education and to create closer communication between children and parents.
Alen Shnaider
Project aims to help people to restore their health and to provide medical knowledge of naturopathy - the alternative medicine based on the principle of nature's healing power.
Information platform about various locations in Riga and Jūrmala that are adapted for people with special needs, elderly, or families with children.
Online cooperation platform that ensures opportunity for students to form a team with other peers and take part in small-scale procurements received from functioning businesses.
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